
What’s the CNS, and why blog about it? 

Penn’s Center for Neuroscience & Society is an interdisciplinary hub of research and educational programs addressing the ethical, legal and social implications of neuroscience. In other words, it’s a place where accomplished researchers step back from their fMRI machines, data sets and computer models to ask: What does all this mean for everyone else? For doctors and patients; for lawyers, injured parties and defendants; for families and friends? There are some fascinating questions out there, and equally fascinating attempts to answer them can be found here. The point of this blog is to add to the discussion with weekly updates on CNS events, in-depth looks at relevant research, and article recommendations for anyone who wants to know more about the way brain science is (or could be) changing our lives.

Who is the blogger?

My name is Elena Gooray and I am a Penn senior majoring in Cognitive Neuroscience. I have been a student researcher at the CNS for the past year, and it will be my job to break down the many exciting happenings in and around the Center on this site. In addition to neuroscience, my own interests include philosophy of mind and science communication, so those areas are sure to pop up now and again on Mind the Gap. I also like nature, and here’s a picture of me appreciating it:

All questions or concerns — including objections to my enthusiasm for purple flowers — should be directed to egooray@sas.upenn.edu.

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